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I believe that God is... (mark all that you believe are accurate)
God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect Creator of the universe who rules the world today.
There is no god or gods.
God represents a state of higher consciousness.
There are many gods, each with different power and authority.
no one can know if God truly exists.
Everyone is God.
Not sure
Do you agree or disagree with the statements below?
All people pray to the same god or spirit, no matter what name they use for that god.
Faith in Jesus is the only way to God.
Each religion is true for those who practice it.
Jesus is the divine Son of God.
Jesus Christ was crucified and raised from the dead to conquer sin and death.
Many religions can lead to eternal life; there is no 'one true religion'.
Is Allah in the Koran the same as Yahweh in the Bible?
Not sure
Which book or books do you think tell the truth about God? (select all that apply)
Book of Mormon
The Koran
The Bible
Other (please specify below)
If you marked other:
Do you agree or disagree with the statements below?
Only the words of Jesus in the Bible should be followed completely.
The Bible contains no errors.
The Bible is a great book of literature but is not necessarily true.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
Select an option
When you die you will go to Heaven because you received forgiveness from Jesus for your sins.
When you die you will go to Heaven because God loves all people.
When you die you will go to Heaven when God graciously decides you have spent enough time in Purgatory.
When you die you will go to Heaven because you are a good person.
When you die you will not go to Heaven.
You do not know what will happen after you die.
Not sure
What do you believe about the origin of the world? (choose only one)
God sparked the universe into existence at some point in the distant past and used the natural process of evolution to bring about the many different kinds of life we see today.
God created the universe in six 24-hour days about 6,000 years ago, designing the Earth's creatures in pretty much their current form.
The universe and the Earth came into being at some point in the distant past; life evolved over millions of years from earlier life forms with no god or intelligent force.
God created the universe at some point in the distant past and gave the Earth's creatures the capacity to change and adapt over time.
Other (please specify below)
Not sure
If you marked other:
Do you agree or disagree with the statements below?
Human life begins at conception.
People who suffer should have the right to end their lives on their own terms.
A person's life is valuable only if society sees it as valuable.
My life has a specific purpose from God.
No one can know for certain what meaning and purpose there is to life.
Meaning and purpose come from becoming one with all that is.
Meaning and purpose come from working to build a society that is equal for everyone.
Meaning and purpose come from working hard to earn as much as possible so you can make the most of life.
Every person must decide for themselves their own meaning and purpose.
Meaning and purpose come from being made and loved by God.
What is morally right and wrong depends on what an individual believes.
If you do good, you will receive good. If you do bad, you will receive bad.
The concept of right and wrong must change as society evolves.
Your beliefs are wrong if they hurt someone's feelings.
You can only know if a belief is true if science proves it.
What is a human being? (choose only one)
A highly-evolved, complex animal.
A physical and spiritual being with value apart from what they do.
Just a physical body with a brain that works like a computer.
Part of the larger "mind" that is the universe.
The sum of their experiences.
Not sure
Which of the following statements about marriage and sexuality do you agree with? (select all that apply)
I don't think God is really concerned about what kind of marriage is best.
A marriage is two adults bound by legal marriage, regardless of genders.
A marriage is one biological man married to one biological woman for life.
There is nothing wrong with sex before marriage if two people love one another.
Any kind of sex between two consenting adults is acceptable.
Not sure
What is the MAIN cause of society's problems? (select only one)
Society does not submit to God and it should be forced to do so.
Conflict between groups that insist they alone posess the truth.
Rich people taking advantage of the working class.
We do not appreciate our own godlike nature.
Sin is the cause of problems in society.
Not sure
Which statement best describes what you believe about history? (choose only one)
There is no real direction for history; things just happen.
Social progress helps mankind become better and better.
Each society must decide for itself what is the best course.
God has worked through history for His purposes.
None of these
Not sure
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